Freedom From Nicotine

Aculaser of Missouri can help stop the cycle of addiction. Our Smoking Cessation Program uses a proven proprietary protocol that gets results. We use a low level laser, aka a cold laser. It is painless, safe and highly effective. The session lasts about 45 minutes and one session is usually all most clients need to break their addiction to nicotine.

Quit Smoking Program

The Aculaser of Missouri stop smoking program is a highly advanced treatment that helps people stop smoking cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes. Because this program is tailored to each individuals needs, it doesn’t matter how many you smoke a day or for how long. We can help you achieve your goal of becoming a non smoker by addressing the three aspects of addiction.

1) Physical

Our three part process, starts with the physical part of the addiction. By stimulating energy points on the ears, face, arms and legs, we are able to flood the client’s body with endorphins thereby eliminating most, if not all, of the cravings. We also stimulate addiction points to help break the body’s need for the nicotine, as well as appetite suppression points, to avoid weight gain.

3) Behavioral

The second step, is dealing with the mental aspect of addiction. The laser can eliminate the symptoms of withdrawal, but it won’t erase your memory. If you’ve had a cigarette with your coffee every day for years, you are going to think about a cigarette when you wake up. We will help you break the daily habits that cause you to reach for nicotine and offer solutions. A new routine becomes a habit in about 2 weeks.

3) Detoxification

We stimulate points to help rid the body as quickly as possible the accumulated poisons associated with smoking. The laser can shorten the amount of time the body takes to detox from about 30 days to just a few days. We also recommend natural detox supplements to speed the process along even more, allowing the body to adjust more quickly to a healthier state.

Please complete the form and we will be in touch with you to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn